ohturniton wrote in supernatural_hs Dec 19, 2010 21:32
stunning flawless perfection, after school special, party post up in hurr, oh hell no!, this place is on fiyah!, just gonna stand here and watch me yearn, fml x 39853205832058320958320, christmas, crayons are the best pencils, make a statement, must not tell lies, too late to apologize~, suck on that, fuck my life, bamf like whoa, so much sexing here i'll bet, no words for how sexy, loooooost in this world, safety first, hotties in the house, what would buffy do, love is in the air~, adorkable, danger will robinson, feel your feelings, idk what this is, this wasn't buddies, too school for cool, crap this is crap, bringing sexy back, omg so secret shhhh, i smell sex and candy, help, don't even try, friends are a good time, what is this feeling?, this is why i'm hot, spirit day, yay school spirit, did not expect that, dayum boy, what is today?, but i have to know her, school doesn't always suck, omfg this took forever, poetry of heart break, wtf is this shit man, this is so buddies, haters gonna hate, oh shit, xoxo, but i have to know, baby it's cold outside, fun times, oh hells yeah, enjoy or die, teenage delinquency, you go glen coco, didn't sign up for this, ho ho h00rs, get me the fuck out of here, don't invite fanny, omfg, who thought this was a good idea?, popcorn.gif literally, naughty or nice, naughty hawt bitches up in hurr, confused, romance, are you serious rn?, shit got real, let's get sexy, f' yeah, lol wtf
renegadecas wrote in supernatural_hs Dec 18, 2010 18:52
love is in the air~, rad bromance, tessa is awesome, who thought this was a good idea?, adorkable, tessa is flawless, sampa claus is comin to town, christmas, feel your feelings, what is this feeling?, cas loves tessa, chuck has weird friends, cas is a biotch, this is so buddies
littlerecord wrote in supernatural_hs Nov 05, 2010 01:03
didn't sign up for this, patrick is not impressed, anyone willing to share their booze?, patrick is a bamf, dear mr. ruvall you suck, get me the fuck out of here, illegal in some schools, missing tiny already, crap this is crap, this is so buddies, juvy sucks ass, fuck my life, bad life decisions, bamf like whoa, help, oh hells yeah, bad boys watcha gonna do, teenage delinquency
doit_forscience wrote in supernatural_hs Oct 27, 2010 11:25
party post up in hurr, i'll take two, just gonna stand here and watch me yearn, maggie and ed throw the best parties, this is so buddies, underage drinking is wrong, ed is a rockin' bro, bamf like whoa, different faces on parade, drive safe or don't drive at all, so much sexing here i'll bet, friends are a good time, enjoy or die, oh hells yeah, i'm a batman character duh, maggie can be cool too ok, teenage delinquency, thanks for being gone mom, hotties in the house
doit_forscience wrote in supernatural_hs Oct 22, 2010 05:12
love is in the air~, i'll take two, bowling for a good time, double date night, friends are a good time, idk what this is, lol wtf, date night, this is so buddies